Episode 1: The Unit Plan Dilemma
Working out the focus, activities, and even logistics for a new unit plan can be super exciting, but when you’re starting from scratch and staring at a blank computer screen with nothing more than half-baked ideas swimming around in your mind, it can be really overwhelming, too.
If you’re working with a PLC, what starts as a fun, relaxed “no bad ideas” session can quickly become super frustrating if you feel like you’re not making any progress toward coming up with even a basic framework for your unit plan.
In this episode of the podcast, we share what has worked for us when we set out to write a new unit plan. We talk you through what we do when we sit down for that first PLC meeting, and how we start getting serious about planning a new unit.
While chatty brainstorms are fun, and certainly have a place in the process, sometimes we just don’t have time to waste. We’ve got some tips to help keep your meeting(s) on track and productive.
Helpful Tips for Your Unit Plan(ning):
One of the hardest parts of creating a new unit plan can be coming up with your timings. If you’ve ever had to cut out something from your unit plan that you really had your heart set on including, or if you’ve ever (gasp) run out of time to actually finish your unit, you’ll want to check out some of Steph’s (super-planner and timer extraordinaire) timing tips for lesson plans, unit plans, and the semester as a whole.